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Our Manifesto

Game On Dog Training manfesto with an image of two dogs running through the water at the beach

Why Game On?

Game On Dog Training square logo

Game On K9 Concept Training is a game-based method of training your best friend!


The foundation of this training is based on strengthening concepts such as calmness, boundaries, disengagement, optimism, confidence, and proximity.


Creating a foundation in concept training will help your dog overcome their behavior struggles and help YOU to fulfill your dream of owning a dog!


It all started with a dream of having a companion, a running buddy, or a wonderful addition to the family. Somewhere along the line, things may not have turned out exactly as you envisioned. Challenges like barking, jumping, and pulling the leash leave you wondering if it can ever get better.


Luckily there is a game for every struggle!

Meet Rosanne

Hi! I'm Rosanne Calabrese, owner of Game On Dog Training. I'd love to tell you a bit about myself...

When did I get my first dog?


I have loved dogs all my life! As a matter of fact, I often tell my clients that I have been in love with dogs since I was an embryo. After all, I got my first dog when I was in my mother’s belly!

To date, my life has been blessed with 20 dogs. Though some were only in my life for 8 weeks (2 of my childhood dogs had unplanned pregnancies), I hold a special place in my heart for each one of them.

My current fur babies are: 

Baby Cat - A 19-year-old Calico I rescued from a parking lot when she was a tiny kitten.

Roxie - A 7-year-old Blue Doberman (and the inspiration for my logo) that I adopted from Big Dog Ranch Rescue.

Blink - My foster failure - An almost 2-year-old Terrier, Maltese, Havanese, Chihuahua, Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, Shih Tzu mix!

Game On Dog Training owner, Rosanne Calabrese, with a black and brown puppies

Why did I become a dog trainer - or as I call it - a canine concept trainer?


I LOVE this question. When I first approached my husband with the idea of studying to become a dog trainer, I thought he might call me crazy. After all, I owned a very successful holistic health practice for over 20 years.


Instead, he said to me, “Dogs have been deeply important to you since long before I met you. This path comes as no surprise, and you should unequivocally pursue it with all your heart. We met because of your commitment to your beloved Doberman, Tina.” (A lovely story for another time.)

Love is my “powerful why.” It is the driving force behind this incredible career. The love of one of God’s creations that was placed on this earth to be our partner, our friend, and our companion through celebrations, sorrows, and personal growth.


Since childhood dogs have been my solace, my adventure-seeking, roller-skate-pulling, wound-licking, husband-finding cohort. I cannot breathe without the love of a dog in my life and so I want to share that love with other people who feel the same way about their “best friend.”

What do I love most about dog training?


First, I must say that even though I use the term “training” I don’t feel like it portrays the true nature of what I do. What I love most about working with dogs is not “training” them but transforming them!

And when you transform a dog, you transform the relationship the owner has with their dog and the life they have together. Especially when the owner is dealing with behavior struggles that may lead to giving the dog up or even euthanizing them.

Second, I adore this method of training. It is 100% positive, fun, game-based training that delivers real-life results! How can you not love it!?

What is something unusual about yourself?


How much time do you have? LOL!


I have had several unusual careers in my life. The 2 that stand out the most were Fire Fighter and Acupuncture Physician. I am also an author of a holistic health book. You can learn more about my acupuncture practice and book here:

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